Monday, January 20, 2014

Special Occasion Makeup for Mature Women

As we get older, sometimes we judge our own appearance too harshly.  It's unfortunate, because as we get older we have so much to offer.  We love more unconditionally, we have more patience; we can encourage, forgive, and believe in people like never before.  Time blesses us with wisdom.  We know life holds unlimited potential.  Sometimes things happen for a reason, and sometimes things can change.  We know we all have hidden strengths.

One of our strengths as mature women is we know it's important not to take things at face value, but to look deeper, because what's on the inside is what really matters.

It's so important to remember this when we look at ourselves in the mirror!  That's the moment of truth - when we step out of the shower or bath and see our reflection without a smidgen of makeup.  It's a humbling experience, but it can also be an opportunity to nurture ourselves and boost our self esteem.  We must treat ourselves in the same gentle, caring way we treat others.  We must speak to ourselves with words that are empowering and build our sense of self worth.

When it's time for special occasions, we want to look fabulous, and it may take a little more time and effort these days than it did when we were younger.  We can handle that.  Baby yourself with whatever moisturizing products you like and enjoy putting on your make up as you give yourself positive affirmations.  Say things like, "I love my smile, I love this color of lipstick, my eyes are twinkling!"

We are not competing with anybody.  We are not trying to be the coolest chick anymore.  We are trying to be warm and kind, and we want that to show on our face and in everything we do.  We are not going to neglect ourselves and let the years ravage our skin and walk around with no foundation or blush.  We're going to protect ourselves with all the new concoctions science has to offer, minimize the flaws and add color to give us the look and feel of vitality - but nothing is going to make us look like we're 20.  I don't know about you, but I never want to go there again, anyway.  That age had it's own struggles.

When I was in my early 30's I had a lovely hairdresser who was in her mid 50's.  When she cut my hair she worked very close to me, so of course I could see that she had crows feet and smile lines, worry lines, and what have you.  She was very pretty, but she was just a normal older lady in my young opinion.  One day I saw her away from her salon in a large, crowded room.  She was visiting with a group of friends in the front of of the room as I spotted her from where I stood in the back.  I didn't recognize her at first.  I thought, who is that gorgeous woman?  She was smiling and laughing and she had an absolute glow about her.  When I realized who it was, I learned an invaluable lesson.  It was not flawless skin that made her look so etherial.  It was the love she was sending out.  What she had in her heart was surrounding her with an aura of charm and grace that was absolutely alluring.

Special occasions are about celebrating the happy milestones in our lives.  If we want to look beautiful, we need to dress up and put our best face forward, but we also need to be in the moment, enjoy every second, and share the love that's inside of us.  What have been told all along is still true: beauty comes from within.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What to Wear to a Party

Life is full of ups and downs, and when we focus on the ups, the downs don't seem so bad!  Each year has it's share of wonderful celebrations... first dates, engagements, weddings, anniversaries... birthdays, graduations, vacations and holidays... there's so much to look forward to.  You may not know exactly when you'll be going to a formal event - those things seem to pop up when they're least expected - so it's nice to be ready in advance.

Keep an eye out for dressy clothes throughout the year.  You can always find something on sale, especially after new year's eve and Valentine's day; after proms and graduations in June and after the summer weddings in the fall.  If you see something you love at regular price, buy it - if it's affordable.  If it isn't, keep going back.  See if they slash the price.  If they don't, no big deal.  You'll find an alternative that will work just as well.  That's the beauty of planning ahead and giving yourself plenty of time.

When you find the right dress or pants and top, start looking for shoes, jewelry, a scarf or wrap (if needed), a coat or jacket, and a bag.  You may have some of those items already, but if you don't, look for them.  A big part of success is just showing up - being present, consistent, and making an effort.  It's true with shopping, too.  In order to find what you want at an excellent price, you have to look.  Go to the mall when you can, but if your time is limited, check on line.

I find it helpful to have two outfits in the same color family: one more sexy and one more conservative.  You can often use the same jewelry and shoes for both.  Party wear usually doesn't go out of style that quickly.  It lasts for several seasons.  If you aim to find one hot little number every year, you'll always have something cute to wear to any special occasion, so you never have to be stressed out.  That's what our goal is... not just to look great, but to feel great, so we can enjoy every minute of life - especially the "ups"!

Another way to ensure you feel fabulous when you get dressed up is to exercise regularly so you don't have to worry about your clothes fitting properly right before a party. No matter what you put on, you'll be even more amazing if you can stand up tall and hold your tummy in.  Unfortunately, we can't rush out and buy a strong, healthy body at the last minute!  Spend a little "me time" every week, doing workouts you enjoy that keep you fit and toned. There's a fun one to try below.

I think it's so exciting to go out and have a fantastic time when I feel like I look the best I can.  I love it when my husband smiles at me and I can relax and enjoy being on a romantic date with him instead of worrying about if I look OK or not.  Feeling beautiful is a gift we give ourselves.  We deserve it!

Please check out my e-book, "Shop!" by Missy Steinfeld on Amazon and Barnes&!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Shopper's Workout

We all want beautiful bodies so we can look chic in our clothes and hot in our bikinis!  Too bad exercising is so inconvenient! It cuts into everything - our shopping time, our TV time, our sleep-in-late time... yet what's the use of finding beautiful outfits if they just hang in our closets because they don't fit well or feel comfortable?  We need a workout we can do in our pajamas while watching our favorite home shopping shows so we can look amazing in a minimum of time while we enjoy all the retail therapy we crave!

Here is a simple program that requires no equipment and can be done in your living room or bedroom.  It targets your core as well as your upper and lower body, and after practicing the moves a few times you can do them while watching television.  You can check out glittering jewelry and killer handbags as you trim your waistline and tone your thighs.  Here are the 10 moves you will be performing:

Lower back and abdominal lifts
Waist twists
Calf raises
Plie squats
Side Kicks
Dead lifts
Wall push ups
Chest press
Superwoman (for the lower back and glutes)

All these exercises are followed by stretches specific to the body parts being used, leaving you feeling both stronger and more relaxed.  Strong + Relaxed = Confident.  Confident women are fabulous...  Fabulous women know how to work it!

For more shopping tips, check out my e-book, Shop! Available at